We all know the mix of emotions that comes part and parcel with moving house. There’s the excitement at the prospect of exploring a whole new neighborhood, the nerves which come with thinking about whether you’re making the right move, and the stress of getting everything prepared and ready to go.

And that’s just the emotions! Then there are all of the countless tasks you have to do to make sure your move goes as smoothly as possible. It’s no wonder that you can let some important tasks slip your mind in the midst of it all. And the thing with forgotten tasks is that you won’t realize that you haven’t done them until it’s too late!

That’s why we’ve put together this handy guide of 3 last-minute tasks to make sure you remember to do before moving. Follow it, and you’ll be sure to tie up all of the necessary loose ends to make your big move.


1. Properly Inform Important Places That You’re Leaving

You’ve already told your boss and coworkers you’re leaving, and your friends. Perhaps you’ve contacted a few places here and there to let them know too. That’s enough, right? Sadly not. Unfortunately, there are a number of places that you need to inform that you’re leaving that you may have not even thought of yet. Some places you may need to inform of your departure include:

  • Your doctor and dentist
  • Your vet
  • Your child’s school
  • Financial institutions

It isn’t just about informing them of your change of address. For your doctor and dentist, you’ll want to obtain your past medical records. Your vet should provide you with any pertinent records about your pet’s health. Your child’s school will need to provide their school records, and may even be able to help you send them to your child’s new school. Financial institutions like your bank should most definitely be notified of your departure to ensure your customer records are up to date.


2. Forward Your Mail to Your New Address

If you’ve just read the above heading and exclaimed out loud – don’t worry! So many people don’t remember to inform the post office to forward their mail to their new address. Or perhaps, you had planned to forward your mail after you made your move and settled in. If that’s the case, we urge you to reconsider. It’s far more troublesome to do so after you’ve moved – particularly if you’re moving out of state.

The good news is that it’s relatively straightforward to change your address with the post office. The Government even provides this easy-to-understand guide to help you out. According to movers in Plano TX, there are two options: you can visit the official USPS change of address site to do the process online, or you can go in person to your local post office and request a Mover’s Guide packet. While you’re at it, if you run a business that’s also moving locations, don’t forget to inform the post office of the new address as well.


3. Book a Deep Cleaning for Your New Home

This tip comes courtesy of Family Living Today’s helpful moving into a new house checklist. They advise anyone soon-to-move to book deep cleaning for their new home a few days before they make the move. It’s a fantastic tip because it’s so easy to become focused on all of the tasks involving your original home, that you forget about the ones involving your new one!

Booking a deep cleaning is a smart idea as no one wants to move into an unclean home. It will be substantially more difficult to do a deep cleaning after you’ve moved in, what with all of the boxes everywhere, and all of the numerous other things you have to deal with.

If you’re thinking that a deep clean might be a bit cost-prohibitive, Family Living Today recommends checking out Groupon, Handy, or Angie’s List for deals. There are usually many discounts available for you to take advantage of, so set aside some time to make that booking. Believe us, you’ll be thankful you did when on that first night, you look around and take in your clean, new home.


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