Summer is here, and so far, it’s looking to be one of the hottest on record. When you add in the stress and anxiety of moving, the added heat takes everything up an extra notch.

Since summer is the most popular time to move, we’re going to give you some tips on how to deal with the temperatures and the stress that comes with packing up everything you own and moving it to a new town.


The Earlier You Get Started, the Better

Everyone knows that the hottest time during the day is in the afternoon, specifically between 11 am and 3 pm because this is when the sun is at its highest point in the sky and is beaming down its most potent rays.

To beat this afternoon heat when you’re moving, get started as early in the day as possible. If you can get moving early by 9 am, you’re going to be a heck of a lot cooler, and lot less agitated.


Light Clothing is a Must

When doing anything in the summer heat, experts recommend wearing something that’s light, loose-fitting, and breathable — preferably cotton or linen. Cotton and linen are preferred not only because they’re breathable, but because they help whisk away moisture, which keeps you cooler and more relaxed throughout the day. Also, experts say to wear colors that reflect the sun’s rays, such as white or tan. Also, there are plenty of new materials on the market designed for athletes to absorb sweat and keep the skin fresh, and you should look into these if the weather is especially unforgiving.

Lastly, don’t forget to protect your eyes with sunglasses and your head with a hat.


Stay Hydrated

One of the most common calls paramedics and first responders get during the summer months are calls where someone is suffering from heat exhaustion or heatstroke. If it’s hot outside, and you’re exerting yourself — sweating — by moving boxes, you’re setting yourself up for a heat-related episode. Try to drink 15 to 20 ounces of water for about one or two hours before moving to get you good and hydrated. Then, make sure you drink plenty of water during the times you’re exerting yourself. Bring along a water bottle or two and try to take a drink every 15 minutes or so. Remember, the more you sweat, the more you’re going to need to drink to replenish that fluid.

Staying adequately hydrated reduces the amount of fatigue you experience and helps you finish the job without hitting the wall.

Protect Your Skin

Even though you’re going to be going in and out of the house, you might think you don’t need sunscreen, but you’re wrong. When the sun is at its peak, you’re getting the full blast of the UV rays, and some people can get burned from just a few minutes of exposure. Don’t take any chances when it comes to sunburn; apply a good sunscreen all over the exposed parts of your skin. Most experts say a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is ideal. Lastly, it’s recommended you re-apply every two hours to ensure the protection lasts all day.


Turn on the AC at the New Place

If you can arrange it, get the electricity turned on at your new house and get the air conditioning going so you and the movers will have a brief respite during the exhausting day. Cooling off even for a few minutes can keep you motivated and focused on finishing the task quickly.

If your new home’s a/c isn’t going to be ready on moving day, or if the electricity isn’t going to be hooked up, you can always grab some portable, battery-operated fans to help circulate the air and cool off everyone. Portable fans can be found at your local hardware or big-box retail store and are pretty cheap.


Be Mindful of Fragile Belongings

Some items, especially electronics with rechargeable batteries, don’t fare well in hot temperatures; they can easily malfunction if left in a hot truck or car for hours. The same goes for any items you have that are plastic because of the potential to melt.


Cold Towels and Body Coolers

If the weather is brutally hot, you can keep your cool by bringing along some cold, wet towels to wipe yourself down. Put them in a cooler with ice packs to help keep them cold. Also, there are a variety of body cooling products available, such as gel neck and body coolers, which are used by some athletes that will keep you cooler longer.


Know When it’s Time to Quit

It’s natural to want to push yourself to get done moving; it’s a hassle, and unpleasant, especially when the temperature rises. But, you need to be aware of when it’s time to stop and know if you’re becoming overheated. Becoming exhausted due to heat is dangerous, and not something to mess around with. If you’re experiencing headaches, dizziness, nausea, confusion, weakness, or feel like you’re going to pass out, get out of the heat quickly and cool off.

Experts say that if you experience these symptoms, lie down, drink plenty of water, and don’t be afraid to call for help if they persist. People do die from heat exhaustion, so don’t mess around with your health if you’re feeling ill.

No one likes moving; it’s a hassle, and it’s stressful. And moving during the hottest days of the year can only make the experience worse. But, if you plan, and take the necessary precautions, you should be able to get through the experience no worse for wear, and you’ll be set up in your new digs in no time.


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